March 7, 2008
Thoughts on Colson, the Dave Clark Five, and Oprah
Greetings and salutations,
On Thursday, March 6, 2008 on The 700 Club I had an interview with Chuck Colson
“the convicted Watergate felon turned prison reformer. Colson was Nixon's special counsel, a man so ruthless that, according to legend, he once said he'd kill his own grandmother for his boss; now he argues on behalf of Jesus” (Newsweek Magazine).
The entire interview is streamed on our Web site
, following its broadcast on The 700 Club. Meaty stuff.
Here is a current interview with Chuck from Newsweek magazine:
A Reformer Who Keeps ‘The Faith’
By Lisa Miller | NEWSWEEK
Mar 3, 2008 Issue
Remembering the Dave Clark Five's Mike Smith
February 29, 2008 2:12 PM
Forefront Dave Clark, behind him Dennis Payton, and Mike Smith.

Sad news has hit the wires that Mike Smith, singer and organist for the Dave Clark Five has died from pneumonia at the age of 64. Smith's life hadn't been easy since he had been paralyzed after a fall in 2003. Unfortunately, he won't be there to see his band's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 10. (It’s hard to believe that it has been a year since my wife Nedra as one of the Ronettes received this honor.)
Mike and another member of the group, Dennis Payton, who died last year, were friends of ours back in those days in the sixties during the musical British invasion. As a matter of fact, Denny dated my wife Nedra; before she was my wife, of course!
“While lacking the stature of fellow British Invasion superstars like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and the Kinks, the Dave Clark Five still left an important legacy. Their sunny songs and charming vocal harmonies made hits of “Glad All Over” and “Bits and Pieces” among others. The Dave Clark Five may have not been frontrunners, but they still had legions of fans” (ABC News).
The wonderful part of this story is that Mike had made a commitment to the Lord Jesus some years ago. Now absent from his broken body, he is with the Lord.
If you want more information on Mike, his wife Charlie, with pictures et cetera, here’s his Web site:
Since You Asked
I personally want to clarify my own position in regard to a recent statement by a preacher who recently endorsed John McCain for president.
In his endorsement this preacher has referred to the Roman Catholic Church as "the great whore" and called it a "false cult system" and "the apostate church"; the word "apostate" means someone who has forsaken his religion.
Although, I don’t agree with all the doctrines of the Catholic Church, (or many churches for that matter) I do not personally accept the language used in this statement to describe the Catholic Church. Throughout my years of ministry, I have spoken in numerous Catholic churches and also have many friends who are true Catholic Christians, and disciples of Jesus Christ. I do consider these folks to be my brothers, sisters, and friends and allies in the faith.
Talking About Something That May Be Out on the “Spiritual Edge...”
I know I am going to step on some toes here, especially many of the ladies digits, but Oprah Winfrey is currently promoting a book that has become a best seller, called A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolley. There is also going to be a Webcast with accompanying study guides. Heavy promotion is going into this publication.
Before you buy into this philosophy, just be aware that the basic spiritual “theology” behind this book is an amalgam of Buddhist, Islamic, and Christian influences.
“A time is coming (and is upon us) when people will no longer listen to right teaching. They will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear. They will reject the truth and follow strange myths.” (Paul the Apostle to Timothy – 2 Timothy 4.3-4)
Just thought I’d add that. Thanks for your anticipated comments.
Contact Scott Ross